Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Pikeman's Lament

Another catching up post almost, finished these a few days ago. Given it's 10mm I'm not zooming right in to see all of the issues. Well gone are my days of painting chapter badges onto 6mm Marines.

These are for Pikeman's Lament, two bases with a dice space to mark through casualties, full/half strength etc. This approximately 12 points so half an army for the rules, another 3 sets of these and I'm good for 2 forces.

Some Recce for the NSL

Got some Team Yankee Lynx Recon vehicles on sale a while back to use for my 15mm NSL platoon. 

Just need to keep an eye out for some tracked/wheeled APC's to finish off the full platoon, I'm thinking BMP, BRDM or maybe just some M113 types if I spot them cheap as still don't have rules to play them with.