Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Scifi Cultists

The other one I've managed to complete recently was some cultists for Rogue Stars (Primarily) They're the cultists from Northstar with the resin scifi bits pack. I've deliberately left them dirty after their ink wash as I think that fits a bit better. The rest of the box was assembled with a mix of modern (ish) rifles and smg's to be used within IHMN or a more modern Cthulhu type game, with the remainder done using standard fantasy type weapons, however I'm sure cultists even in the modern age wouldn't be above using a big axe or sword so I'll be keeping with the same colour scheme throughout all of them.

6mm Scifi?

All the talk of playing Dirtside II again had me digging these out and finishing them off and adding a few Infantry stands to see how they compared for size.

So a command tank, 2 sets of 3 GEV Tanks, 3 VTOLS, 2 Missile systems and 6 infantry stands. They're GZG models that I bought in my first year at Uni (24 years ago, when you ordered blind from a paper catalogue that you had to pay to get posted out to you!) I'd need a few more to make up a decent force, but they'll work fine alongside my existing Modern Soviets if it's required.